Saturday, September 18, 2010

Orange pillow!!


This is the only picture I'm willing to post at the moment of my beautiful room! Just a quick story about the pillow. I was having trouble sleeping, so at the university sponsored Target Extravaganza I went and found a gorgeous pillow (nice and firm...) and then realized I didn't have a pillowcase. So, I went to look at pillowcases, and would you believe it, some of them are crazy expensive. So being my cheap-self, I went looking for the cheapest pillowcases I could find, which came in the beautiful orange you see in the picture above. I could not be prouder of my little pillow, but he does look a little lonely...hmm

long time no see...about as proper as can be

I've thought of various titles for a post. Some of the better ones included "I could never be a hooker...because of the shoes," "chipmunk frenzy," and the one I've just thought of because examples should always be in groups of three, "I really hope by neighbor was jacking off this morning, or else polishing something." Just so you know, I really do hope that's what he was doing, or else I can't help but be concerned for whatever he was assaulting (no moans, so probably not a girl). All in all, second whole week into classes and things are going as expected. I'm a little bit behind on some of my readings, but determined not to sleep until I get everything done. All the academic stuff, though, is pretty boring compared to my observations. I'm starting to think I'm pretty clever (or maybe I crack myself up because I'm the only one who understands the jokes I make). From my room on the fourth floor, I've been surprised by just how clearly I can hear my fellow classmates when they are out and about (aka drunk and shouting). Just this night alone, there have been tears, shouting, lost people, loud people, drunken road crossings (followed by honking of cars), and the good old "I'm so cold!" coming from the chick whose ass is hanging onto the end of her dress for dear life. I think my neighbors are getting to "know" one another, which really means loud knocking on the door, not even a secret knock, until they're allowed into the apartment/alcohol distribution center. The only thing that really bothers me though, is that I don't feel safe trying to take a shower now, what with all the drunken maudlins running about, so I guess I'll stay up until 3 am, because I can...I'm too old (or possibly too boring) to get too annoyed though. For the most part, there's nothing you can do about the kids having fun, besides helping the ones who need help (the ones who are passed out or incoherent) and smiling when the person who holds open the door for you reeks of pot (it cracks me up a bit that they're so polite and high, it sort of just makes me love people here a bit more, even if that did happen at 9 pm tonight). I'm trying to think of any other clever things to say, besides the fact that I imagined my dorm would be a lot quieter than it actually is (as evidenced by random whooping men, I kid you not), and that I'm not quite sure forced dinners with my floor will help me get to know them RA can hope, but I don't think that's enough. Fun fact: My nextdoor neighbor is Russian (or at least claims to be, I have no proof besides the fact his name is pinned on Russia on the world map our RA spent billions of dollars buying). Nothing else for now, besides my insane Skittles craving (if you know me at all, or have noticed how much of a weirdo I am, I eat the green ones and the purple ones together at the end of the bag) and the fact I paid $3.69 for some ice cream today (I still have some left I'm thinking of eating as soon as this is done). One day I'll write a post with more coherence, although if I went with my stream of consciousness, I'd have to tell you I'm thinking about leather restraints (see, that's why I need concrete topics!!). That's it for now. Sunday is already upon me, and I have a beautiful mountain of work that calls for my undivided attention (such a lie, I'm going to watch some trashy tv as I work, honesty is the best policy!). So here's to the econ problem set for Tuesday, the paper draft for Wednesday, the fifty pages in French of 'Tristan et Iseult' and all those delicious Northern Ireland readings! Wish me luck...with any hope, I'll go to sleep early Monday morning at 3 am.

Monday, August 30, 2010


I have moved into my new and luxurious room at school. I wish that were all I had to say about the room, but alas...there are hidden dangers everywhere. I should have expected it when I saw a pigeon fly straight at the glass near the entrance to my building. Maybe I was being optimistic (or naive), but the truth has finally been made clear to me: My building is a pigeon asylum! the website has asylum defined one of four different ways.  I refer to the first definition - an institution for the maintenance and care of the mentally ill, orphans, or other persons requiring specialized assistance. Pigeons aren't people you say...well, the way they've been knocking on my window says otherwise. Besides, I've seen enough of the squirrels on campus to know that mentally ill is certainly a word to describe the creatures that live around the area. I've googled strategies to scare these unstable pigeons away and so far, it looks like all I need to do is tie a fake stuffed owl to the side of the building to discourage their nesting. Maybe it's because I've watched that episode of House to many times, but I'm fearful of catching some sort of airborne pigeon disease...or I might inhale a feather by accident and in 24 hours end up in a hospital with pigeon lung (surely this is an actual disease). However, lack of fake stuffed owl means I will have to resort to banging on the window whenever they come near. For now I'll simply have to bang away when they come near (doesn't that sound deliciously dirty?).